After discussing my previous post with my BFF Elise Packingham over coffee this morning, something great has been born.
The 2012 Soular Flexus Regimen.
After I wrote yesterdays post, I was thinking about what an obese soul really needs. It needs exercise, of course. But more than that, it needs an EXERCISE REGIMEN. One to firm up the fat, whittle the middle, and boost the butt. Anyone can exercise their body, but how does one go about exercising the soul?
By stretching, flexing and caring for the weak parts. I.e. the things you're afraid of, the areas you feel stupid, the areas you've never used.
Me and Elise collaborated and came up with a few well rounded exercises for the soul in need of some fat blasting.
1. Yell. In front of others or with others (not at others). This is especially for those who are generally quiet--there's something empowering in pulling a big, mighty voice deep from your diaphragm for no other reason than the fact that you can.
2. Get physical. Seriously, get moving. Preferably with, or in front of others. Whether it's jogging down the road or climbing a mountain, when your body moves, your soul moves. And when it moves with others, it moves even more.
3. Dance. Quit saying you don't like dancing and admit to yourself that you're just embarrassed that you're bad at it (because seriously, who doesn't like dancing? No one!)
4. Get up close and personal with the marginalized of your city. Talk to them. Not from a pedestal, but from mutuality. Learn from them.
5. Do something you're afraid of that you're afraid to admit to others. This isn't normal 'face your fears' stuff like, go do some public speaking (although that's valuable). This is about really asking yourself what you're avoiding due to fear that people will know you're afraid. Example: I say I don't like dancing. and parties. DA TRUF is, I love them, I'm just terrified of both, so I avoid them and give the excuse that I find them unenjoyable, and I'd rather sit at home by myself, sitting still. Not true. Secrets out.
6. Tell someone you like that you like them, especially if it's likely they won't return the feelings. This confession can be romantic or platonic. Remember Proverbs 27:5: "Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed." Refer to my previous post, 'The Power Of Voicing Love'.
Me and Elise will be meeting for a weekly blubber-busting soul workout starting tomorrow. I want to extend an invitation to you to join us on one, or all of the above exercises, and more that will be added to the list in the upcoming weeks. I will be documenting each of our exercises, so please follow along, either by reading, or joining us on an excursion.
Here's to finally getting that six pack.
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