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Sunday, March 21, 2010


What would you live for if all notions caused by tradition weren't present?

Would you devote your life to your work, in order to make your money, in order to pay bills and function in a society?

Would you believe that God manifested himself, but also his Son, in human form on earth to die for everyone living in it, and everyone who would live, acting as a bridge from us to God? And now we can have a relationship with him through acts of faith? (or any other ancient religious system you adhere to)

Would you eat 3 meals a day?

Would you want to get married?

Would you want to have children?

Are there things you're devoting your life to simply because it's what "we do" or it's what "we've always heard"? Do your intuitions and experiences lead you to live somewhere beyond what might be traditionally expected of you (or what you might expect of yourself)?
What if we all lived that way? Imagine what could be found...
It would take a shload of guts.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mobilizing the US Naysh and my own heart

          Im writing this on a German keyboard, so there will be no apostrophes and i might accidentally switch my zs and ys because theyre switched places on this keyboard. it belongs to my friend Hanna, 1 of 4 people on this mobile trip in Puyallup, Washington. (Naysh stands for Nation, p.s.)

          Ive been wanting to update this blog ever since my last post, but ever since then i have had a terrible time compartmentalizing my thoughts into something readable. i hope that means God is producing something in me that will overflow into some form of definite action with a clear purpose and goal.

          That action will contain the following--

  • loving the Lord God with my soul, heart and mind
  • responsibility for what my own life will/can look like
  • giving my abundance to those who are without
          This mobile trip Im on is solidifying the work and revelation God is doing in me, as well as a book Im reading by Richard Stearns that is de-glossing the glamour that can sometimes come with a life of serving the poor (how sad that we have turned it into that, but there is no doubt that "do gooding" has a saint-like halo around it). In other words, reality is kicking in. Lately Ive been praying for nothing more than constant realization of reality and the brief duration of this life and how I can make it worthwhile. 

          Jumbled thoughts. But that has been my mind for the past month!