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Sunday, March 21, 2010


What would you live for if all notions caused by tradition weren't present?

Would you devote your life to your work, in order to make your money, in order to pay bills and function in a society?

Would you believe that God manifested himself, but also his Son, in human form on earth to die for everyone living in it, and everyone who would live, acting as a bridge from us to God? And now we can have a relationship with him through acts of faith? (or any other ancient religious system you adhere to)

Would you eat 3 meals a day?

Would you want to get married?

Would you want to have children?

Are there things you're devoting your life to simply because it's what "we do" or it's what "we've always heard"? Do your intuitions and experiences lead you to live somewhere beyond what might be traditionally expected of you (or what you might expect of yourself)?
What if we all lived that way? Imagine what could be found...
It would take a shload of guts.

1 comment:

Jacob Andrew Wilson said...

i've thought about this a lot before. i was sitting there and i was like why do we have to act like this or dress like this? It's just simple cultural conditioning and not based on anything really.

Why do girls have to put on makeup? Why do guys have to dress a certain way? Why is there fashion?

At some points it all just seems so shallow. It is crazy to think that our culture affects us so much even to the point of biologically adapting us.