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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Real Cool, Kim

This is the dumbest and least sacrificial thing I've ever read in my entire life. Has social justice really become THIS trendy?

Kim Kardashian quits the internet for AIDS


KeithMont said...


I hear you on this Becky.
We live in the age of passivity. Where we aren't allowed to get mad. Even righteous anger is anger and it makes people uncomfortable and god forbid we do that.

Becky Sanders said...

Keith, you're right. I've been thinking about it so much lately. In the book Jesus for President, Shane Claiborne talks about the necessity of 'Holy Anger'--getting angry when it's necessary and not apologizing for it. I'm praying to be able to see anger with less connotations of being out of control and with more connotations of simply being awake to the wide range of emotions and expressions God gave us.