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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Responsibility (in regards to living a full life)

Responsibility is one of those things that looks great from far away, but when it comes to actually living it out, you never want to do it and its just not that fun.

The specific type I'm talking about right now is responsibility of your life. I'm not sure exactly when I learned the lesson that "life is what you make it", but ever since I learned it, I am no longer able to ask myself why certain things in my life aren't happening or coming to pass. I'm no longer able to ask myself, because I already know why before the question has the time to reach my lips. It's because I'm not making it happen. It's pretty irritating. Every time I wake up with another day full of nothing, and get ready to sit down with a cup of coffee and whine to my journal about how boring my life is, Responsibility pops out from behind the couch and says, "Get off your ass!" Gone are the days of prolonged angst and shaking my fist at the world saying, "Why must I constantly feel unfulfilled and stunted in this place, why can't I go and pursue what I want to pursue?!" Responsibility's reflection shows up in my mug of coffee and says, "It's at your fingertips."
She shows up in my phonebook as I scroll pass the number of that friend I still haven't called to hang out like I said I would.
She shows up in my coworker complaining about her animosity towards her husband, as I catch myself not listening with my whole heart.
She shows up when I exchange money with that guy at the coffee place, leaving once again without introducing myself.
In the hands of my grandfather clock, as another day draws to a close.
Responsibility looms. in a good way.

No one keeps you from anything but you.

There's probably an exception to that rule, but it is very rare. I'm talking natural disaster or death or something extreme. 99.9% of excuses can be overcome and there is no excuse for them.

So, for all of you who want a step-by-step program on how to suck out all the marrow of life, no matter where you are or what you are pursuing--

1. Use all of your resources
2. Get creative
3. Overcome fear/emotion/laziness
4. You're going to die someday, perhaps soon, so make this season in your life one that won't be another season of you waiting for stuff to fall in your lap.

I know I've talked about this before. But why is half the world completely dissatisfied? One big reason is that we're not manning up.


Tohnya said...

Very well written friend! All the thoughts that you talked about come to mind quite often and its nice that someone finally addressed the issue! Thanks for that!

Unknown said... take that another step and ask "What is a leader?" Someone who gets you to do the things you don't want to do? Hannah and I had a pretty good conversation about this, and since you'll be in this vicinity with her for a while you can talk to her about it.

Oh, and by the way, you guys have to come down here one day this week. We'll make dinner if you do. Just come.