For those of you who've read Blue Like Jazz, do you remember the chapter about Donald moving into a house in Portland with 6 other guys, after living all by himself out in the country? The transition for him was very difficult and mentally exhausting. I feel like that chapter is describing my life right now. I live in one room with 18 other girls. 18. I've spent the past 8 or so months, holed up in my room, only coming out to work my 9-5 job and to see a friend a few times a week. So for me, this type of living has been exhausting. But it's so beautiful at the same time. I'm building some amazing relationships, and light is being shed to the areas of my heart that I've been trying to keep hidden for quite some time. I'm learning that it's much better to be exposed for every aspect of who I am, the good and the bad, than trying to keep up with this ridiculous mask I've been wearing (and trying to perfect) for years on end. And finally, now that this mask is being torn down, I'm gaining the closeness with the Lord I've always wanted.
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised."-Proverbs 31:30
I'm really thankful I don't have to pretend anymore. I hated myself and it wasn't fun.
God is good, and I take comfort in knowing that will never be a lie.
Here are pictures of some adventures we've been having...

me, arielle, julia, ashley and anna
hawaiian tourist and WT american

me and the llama down the road

Julia, Arielle and Tohnya's birthday party

Beautiful Kelly playing us a song

International Love Feast



More birthday party

prepped for the ropes course

the chapel

blackberry picking!

Ashley had this little cat toy with a massive mouth buried in the bottom of her purse, along with some stray skittles. when she pulled it out, it had one of the skittles lodged in its mouth. we pretty much laughed for like 15 minutes.

dorm girls
Facebook me to see a ridiculous amount of other pictures.
I love you,
1 comment:
Aren't transitions fun? I'm in a house of 12 guys, where there is never silence. I stayed in columbia this summer, in the same house, only with a much smaller crowd, and enjoyed the peace so much. I had to transition when everyone else moved back in. It is exhausting. But being around people who love the lord is a blessing. I didn't realize you had a blog, so I'm excited to be able to keep reading up on how things are going. Tell your 18 roomies I said hey. Dont worry, they totally know who I am.
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