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Friday, October 16, 2009

Mind vs. Heart

“The moment God is figured out with nice neat lines and definitions, we are no longer dealing with God.”--Rob Bell

Very few things in life are formulaic and understandable.

Especially the wild, beautiful, unpredictable and mysterious God that Is.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Galilee Project

Hi, everyone :)

I've been back in Salem for a little over a month now, in a leadership school called The Galilee Project. I'd love to write a really detailed blog about it and what God's been showing me, but it's flying by so fast, I'm having a hard time digesting it all; although I know inner change is happening, whether I'm conscious of it or not.

But there is one thing I can definitely pinpoint God nudging me about so far: not allowing emotions and feelings (aka. fear, laziness, insecurity, etc) dictate what I choose to do. I'm notorious for making excuses to get out of things, or for convincing myself out of responsibility, or of flat out shrinking back from something even when I'm only mildly afraid. Usually when I think of the word "fearlessness", big feats come to mind, not daily, mundane tasks. But God has been showing me that you can only be fearless in the big things when you become fearless in the small things. And if I'm not giving my all in a situation because of any reason other than some type of physical or mental block that I literally cannot overcome, then I'm either being fearful or lazy. And God wants our best in all areas of life, not the big ones. I'm great at talking about courage and fearlessness, but when it really comes down to it, I'm the biggest coward out there. Seriously. Talk and action are two very different things. God is showing me that action trumps talk any day.

So, please pray that God would continue to redefine who He is from my perspective and that I wouldn't miss out on any learning opportunity this school can offer. And please comment or email me about any concerns in your life, so that I might pray for you as well. Your concerns are my concerns.
